First off, what is the Wellness Pyramid? Several years ago the USDA came out with a new guideline for nutrient intake rather than the 4 equal food groups we had used for years as a guideline for balanced meals.
At the base of this new daily food guide pyramid is whole grains (6 to 11 servings) - next step up is fruits (2 to 4 servings) and vegetables (3 to 5 servings) - the 3rd step is protein (milk, yogurt, cheese 2 to 3 servings) (meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, nuts 2 to 3 servings) - and the top of the pyramid is sugar and fat (use sparingly).
Recent health surveys show that the incidence of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes is higher than ever before.
This can be attributed largely to our diets that are very inadequate in nutrient rich whole foods.
For example: · 90% of us don't eat the recommended 5 to 13 daily servings of fruits and vegetables · 70% of us eat foods that actually contribute to poor health - example: fast foods, foods highly processed, foods high in bad fats, foods with high sugar content · Less than 1 daily serving of whole grains are consumed and many do not even get that 1 serving · Protective lipids and sterols (good essential fats) have been stripped from whole grains to increase their shelf life · Many do not eat fish due to concerns about the presence of heavy metals and contaminants The problem and solution both seem to be in the food we chose to eat.
The reality is that most of us have turned our 'wellness pyramid' upside down! Too much of the wrong food...
not enough of the right food.
How are we all doing individually with these guidelines? Take this brief quiz and rate yourself on a scale of 1 (never) to 5 (always).
How are you eating? · ___ I eat 3 daily servings of whole grains · ___ I eat 5 to 9 daily servings of fruit and veggies · ___ I eat 2 weekly servings of fish · ___ I drink 8 daily glasses of water · ___ I avoid eating fast and convenience foods · ___ Add up your score for this section How are you feeling? · ___ I have abundant energy all day · ___ I am stress free and tranquil · ___ I am confident about my long term health · ___ I engage in physical activity · ___ I maintain a healthy body weight · ___ Add up your score for this section ___ Total combined score After you've combined your score, read below to learn about what you may need to do to improve your health.
20 or Under It's time to put a little more effort into your long-term health and vitality.
You are at risk of low energy, feeling, and looking tired as well as low immune function.
Your Wellness Pyramid is upside down! Time to take Action! Look at the areas where you scored low.
Start by taking baby steps (small changes) each day in the areas where you fall short.
21 to 35 You're looking pretty good, but you could be looking - and feeling - better.
Your 'Wellness Pyramid' is off balance and could tip either way.
It needs more of the right action to be firmly on its foundation.
Small changes in your lower score areas can make a big difference in your overall energy, immune strength, and lifelong health.
36 to 50 Congratulations! You are obviously taking care of your health and your body.
Your 'Wellness Pyramid' is sitting firmly on its base.
Keep up the good habits.
The key is to keep it up which will help you maintain the health, energy, and vitality you're already enjoying.
Start today and turn your personal 'Wellness Pyramid' right side up and keep it firm on its foundation!
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