Often when people decide to start an exercise program and eat better they manage to get one or two components right but neglect to consider that there are actually four parts to the lifestyle change.
If you wish to make major changes in your health such as weight loss, restoring good health or slowing the aging process you need to get all of them in place otherwise you will be disappointed with your results.
Here are the four aspects of a total lifestyle fitness program: 1.
Healthy eating 2.
Strength training exercise 3.
Cardio training 4.
Mindset and attitude Healthy eating sits on top of the list for obvious reasons - you need quality sustenance to support your exercise program.
If the food you put into your body is processed and refined it will not give you the energy and health you need to get your hormones balanced and working with you.
No amount of exercise can make up for a bad diet.
If you are eating packaged, artificial non-foods your body's hormones are going to be 'out of whack' and you will never truly get into great shape.
This is the reason why bodybuilders and figure competitors eat natural whole foods cooked from scratch.
You will get much better results with your exercise program along with better health and weight loss if that is your goal.
Next on the list comes strength training exercise and yes - above cardio activity.
Many people think cardio alone is going to get you into shape or help you lose weight.
Well sorry, but there is absolutely no way this is going to cut it.
If you have only time to do one form of exercise it would be strength training.
This on its own will get you into great shape even if you never do any cardio.
Again look to the people that get in the best leanest shape on the planet bodybuilders and figure competitors Many of them never do any cardio type activity - they most often do not need too.
The big plus with strength training is that it will maintain your lean body mass while you cut back a little bit with your calorie intake if you want to lose body fat.
Cardio cannot do this and you will lose lean muscle tissue without strength training.
This is really bad news as it is the condition of your muscle tissue that determines the speed of your metabolism and the rate your body burns fuel.
Next comes cardio type activity and one or two interval training sessions each week will do wonders to help you get or stay in great shape.
You can still do longer duration activity but never replace your proper exercise with it.
Treat it as recreational activity and just a part of living an active lifestyle.
Lastly your mindset and you are probably already aware of its power.
What determines your habits - which are automatic behaviors (both positive and negative), is the programming of your subconscious mind.
You are literally running on auto-pilot every single day - for better or worse.
Having high motivation levels along with disciplined behaviors such as healthy eating and getting your workouts done is caused by ongoing positive mental programming.
If you are having trouble with a lack of discipline and self-sabotaging behavior like eating rubbish foods and missing workouts you can reprogram your mind just like a computer.
You can do this by what you put into it or allow to be put in.
So, the more 'good stuff' that you can do that will help you achieve your goals the more you can push aside (or out) the not so good behavior.
Soon you will be well on the way to a stronger, leaner healthier body that you will be so proud and excited to live in.
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