Health & Medical Yoga

How Do You Start an Invasion in "ToonTown"?

    Preparing for the Lawbot HQ

    • 1). Complete the ToonTasks assigned to you at Toon Headquarters, and repeatedly defeat the Sellbot and Cashbot bosses to earn a minimum of 96 Laff points. You cannot access Office Elevator D in the Lawbot HQ until your Toon has met this requirement.

    • 2). Complete all the ToonTasks assigned in the Donald's Dreamland Toon Headquarters. You will then receive a new task to visit the Brrrgh neighborhood and speak to Professor Flake in Polar Place. He will help you create a Lawbot disguise to sneak into the Lawbot HQ.

    • 3). Head toward the center of Polar Place to find the Precipitation Foundation. Talk to Professor Flake inside and complete all the tasks he gives to you. For every job you complete, you earn one part of your Lawbot disguise.

    • 4). Enter the District Attorney's Office area and defeat the Lawbots within it. Battling the Lawbots here will earn you the most Jury Notices. You will need 60 Jury Notices to take on the Chief Justice.

    Fighting the Chief Justice

    • 1). Work your way through the Lawbot HQ and confront the Chief Justice. Utilize the cannon to fire the ToonTown shopkeepers into the jury seats. After jury selection, race to the witness stand to collect evidence, and run to the large scale.

    • 2). Pile the evidence onto the scale and run back to the witness stand for more. Repeat this process while avoiding the giant gavels, and you will defeat the Chief Justice once the scale is completely weighted down in your favor. Your reward is the ability to summon a single Cog of your choosing.

    • 3). Return to the Lawbot HQ repeatedly and beat the Chief Justice several times. As you continue to defeat the Lawbot boss, you will earn more powerful summons. Eventually, you will receive the ability to launch a full scale Cog invasion.

    • 4). Click on the green book icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to open the Shticker Book menu.

    • 5). Click any desired Cog portrait in your Cog Gallery. In the subsequent, Issue a Cog Summons menu, click "Summon a Cog Invasion" to send a Cog mob to ToonTown.

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