- 1). Use a wash cloth to regularly clean your ears. Take a damp wash cloth and apply the cloth over your index finger. Gently place the covered finger in your ears once a day to clean the outer section and remove ear wax from this area.
- 2). Apply drops of peroxide or water to the ear to prevent buildup. Periodically, apply a dropper of peroxide or warm water to each ear to keep wax soft and prevent blockage. Allow the solution to remain inside the ear for five minutes, and then hold you head to the side to drain fluids from the ear.
- 3). Do not stick items inside your ear. It's tempting to remove ear wax with cotton swabs or fingers. This can push wax deeper inside the ear canal and trigger impaction, wherein wax is unable to naturally escape the ear. Impacted wax can trigger the production of more wax.
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