Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic flu medication which, when taken at the first sign of flu symptoms, is said to reduce the severity and duration of the illness. Commonly referred to as Oscillo, the medication can be purchased over the counter at most major drugstores and grocery stores. Oscillococci
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is the most common form of leukaemia in adults in Western countries. Despite advances in the treatment of chronic leukaemias, CLL continues to be an incurable disease with median survival varying from 18 months to 12 years depending on severity
Lexapro (also known as escitalopram) is an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant prescription medication. If you've been using Lexapro and find the side effects overwhelming, or if you've been prescribed the medication and are curious about alternatives, consider other prescriptions or therapy.
A simple, five-carbon sugar referred to as D-ribose, also called ribose, can be found in every cell of your body. The natural production of ribose proves to be a slow process but it's necessary for survival. Ribose cannot be stored by the body and you can only produce small amounts at a time. Stress
The pharmaceutical industry is highly controlled and carefully regulated to help prevent accidents in the taking of pills. Buffers can help to make drugs safer for consumption by lessening the harsh effects of the chemicals.
Provigil (modafinil) and Wellbutrin (bupropion) are two commonly prescribed drugs that may be used for the treatment of depression, but there are differences in their primary functions and mechanisms of action in the body.
Humalog pens are fast-acting insulin injectors diabetics use before or right after mealtime. Diabetics must follow a series of steps involved with preparing, setting and injecting an insulin dose. These steps are straightforward and their sequence is easy to master. Your doctor will walk you through
Although many doctors and dietitians recommend taking a daily vitamin to provide the body with an extra line of defense against disease, it is important to be aware of the negative aspects as well. Although vitamins are generally beneficial, excessive use has been shown to damage the kidneys
Chia seeds have been used for centuries as a natural dietary supplement. Cultivated from the Salvia hispanica plant, chia seeds were valued by the Aztecs for their high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are still a popular supplement today, for humans and livestock alike. Many rancher
Alpha interferon is used as a treatment for chronic hepatitis C. The drug is administered by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. During lab testing, a wide array of side effects have been encountered. Dr. Geoffrey Dusheiko of the Free Hospital and School of Medicine in London reports that betwe
Hair products fill store shelves offering promises of healthy, long and lustrous hair. But no amount of money spent on shampoos and conditioners can replace the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your hair needs for healthy growth. A nutritious diet will actually do more to stimulate shiny,
Bipolar affects many people. It is a mental disorder that produces extreme shifts in moods. It can bring on extreme swings from mania, to extreme lows or depression. There are several different forms of treatment for bipolar disorder. There are conventional treatments and non-conventional. Fish oil
Chaste tree is the common name for Vitex agnus-castus, a deciduous species of shrub cultivated for its dainty flower clusters and large palmate leaves. It grows to 10 to 20 feet in height with a spreading crown of foliage held up by multiple slender trunks. While it is not a spreading species, Vitex
Zinc is an extremely common element found in many metal objects, used in many drugs, and occurs naturally in many foods, especially meats. A small amount of zinc is vital for good health. Zinc allergies are extremely rare and are cause for serious concern. A zinc allergy cannot be self-diagnosed; a