Category : Medications & Drugs : Health & Medical

Lyrica Dangers

Medications & Drugs
Lyrica is a brand name for the prescription medication pregbalin. Doctors commonly prescribe the drug for the treatment of epilepsy as well as to alleviate the discomfort caused by diabetes, fibromyalgia and shingles. Pregbalin works by interfering with nerves in your body that contribute...

Zinc Allergy

Medications & Drugs
Zinc is an extremely common element found in many metal objects, used in many drugs, and occurs naturally in many foods, especially meats. A small amount of zinc is vital for good health. Zinc allergies are extremely rare and are cause for serious concern. A zinc allergy cannot be self-diagnosed; a

Food for Good Hair

Medications & Drugs
Hair products fill store shelves offering promises of healthy, long and lustrous hair. But no amount of money spent on shampoos and conditioners can replace the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your hair needs for healthy growth. A nutritious diet will actually do more to stimulate shiny,