When doing a search on the Internet or talking to people you will find people calling P90x (which is the real and correct title of the workout DVD series) many different things.
I did the same thing before I started the program.
People who know me know that I have completed P90X and am now in my 5th week of Shaun T's Insanity.
People will look at me and say something like wow you look good...
is that from the x90 workout or I want to get in shape too what do I need in order to do the x90p workout? Its a very common mistake and doesn't really matter that much on what the name is.
It's the results that matter.
If you are willing to work your butt off (literally for some) for 90 days you will see results that you never have seen or imagined before.
It's really a guarantee if you actually follow the plan.
It's impossible not to see results (again if you follow the plan).
P90X consists of 90 days of working out 6 times a week for about 60 minutes a day.
The system is all about muscle confusion.
Not letting your muscle get into a routine where after a certain amount of time you will no longer see benefits or results because your muscles are used to the activity you are doing.
P90X will "confuse" your muscles and get you maximum results that you can see.
You will be sore in places you never knew you had muscles.
Along with the workout plan there is also a nutritional plan that consists of 3 Phases one phase for each 30 days.
Phase 1: Fat Shredder: this phase consists of meals high in healthy protein Phase 2: Energy Booster: this phase consists of a balance between protein and carbs Phase 3: Endurance Maximizer: this phase consists of meals that are higher in Carbs All in all I would highly recommend this workout for anyone who is seriously looking to lose weight, get in the best shape of there life and is willing to commit to it.
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