Business & Finance Loans

Understanding How To Earn An Active Duty Military Loan

Active duty military loans give military members financial freedom to need to make the purchases they need. As employees of the US government, members of the military have a distinct advantage. Active duty military loans allow servicemen and women to borrow money at a reasonable rate. In the realm of loans, military members enjoy quite a few options.

For those militarily inclined but interested in having a business as well, the Small Business Administration has some great loan programs available. The SBA Patriot Express Loan is designed to help military members start their own small business. This kind of loan allows money to be borrowed for a small business. A business owner could greatly benefit from a loan like this because it would be able to cover the costs of startup, product purchase or expansion efforts.

If you aren't looking for a business loan so much as a loan to buy a home, the Veteran Affairs home loan program is an excellent option. When using this loan program, there is no down payment required and all money loaned is backed by the government, which aids greatly in getting competitive rates. With the military loan program, you should be able to finance a home regardless of the current state of your personal assets.

There are potential risks associated with an active duty military loan that you should consider. While you are abroad for extended periods of time, Identity theft is great risk. Fortunately, you can now enjoy the benfits of an option called "active duty alert". While you're away on deployment, this will give you a secure feeling about your financial status. This alert forces creditors to verify your identity before they give credit in your name.

Your credit report contains vital personal information like your address, bill payment methods, and personal history, making it a crucial document to protect. If you are the victim of identity theft, you can spend years trying to make sense of the mess identity thieves have made of your name and your credit.

As a member of the armed forces you are important to this nation, and active duty military loans are designed to help you with this. You will almost always be successful in obtaining your desired loan. Furthermore, presence in the United States does not bar loan application. Those at far-away military posts who wish to quickly transfer assets to their loved ones will find this ideal. If you were previously worried about how to get money to you loved ones, this should lift a burden off of you.

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