Successful loan officers know that one easy way to increase their client base is through using debt management leads. They are successful because they spend the majority of their valuable time presenting their loan products to interested prospective debt consolidation leads who then decide to purchase from them. The key to making loan debt consolidation leads work in your favor is to ensure that you are purchasing high-quality leads. To do otherwise is to waste much time and money, so it pays to look at several factors that make a lead worth buying.
First, you should only buy leads from a company that sells leads one time. Unscrupulous lead sellers wring more money out of their leads by selling them to more than one customer. What this means is that even if the lead is highly qualified in terms of what you have to sell, this person is being pounced on by several salespeople. All of them are trying to make a sale, and it results in many potential new clients deciding not to go with any of the salespeople whom they perceive as "pestering" them. Leads that are unique to you alone, on the other hand, are excellent because they allow you the time you need to understand your new client's needs, and then you can meet them capably by offering them appropriate loan products. This improves your closing rate dramatically.
Any leads you wish to purchase should have been carefully screened by the lead generating company for several indicators that will improve your odds of making a sale. One is that they have checked and can guarantee that each lead has a high amount of unsecured debt, most often found with credit card use. This type of debt is dangerous to carry because of credit card companies' ability to raise minimum payments without warming, and a new client with lots of unsecured debt will be very interested in your solutions to his or her debt issues. Leads should also be screened to verify that all contact information is accurate. This is a basic feature that you might assume could be taken for granted, but unfortunately some lead generation companies are not thorough in this regard. Inaccurate telephone numbers and e-mail addresses can be impossible to correct with call-screening and spam blockers that are available to the public, so you will want to see if anyone from whom you wish to purchase leads will provide you with a guarantee as to their accuracy. If not, you then know you should take your business elsewhere.
A few specific questions answered in advance of a purchase from a lead generation company can save you a lot of wasted money, so be sure to ask.