Some people won't even think twice about a Browser MMORPG.
They are far too often dismissed as laughable child's play-things.
At a quick surface glance I can to some extent this line of thinking as most gamers today are more drawn to life-like graphics and games that have the licenses to use the real names of guns, cars actors etc.
Yes much like the rest of the entertainment industry, many popular video games are bland yet "beautiful" with mindless game play and little to no story.
Remember games that not only gave you the fear or suspense of potential defeat but also made you laugh / cry, etc? Believe it or not there are many Browser MMORPGs that capture these elements, granted most likely will not have 3D engines behind them, pushing trillions of polygons.
I'm serious, just hop on good ol' trusty Google and search for something like "Free Online Games" or "Browser MMORPG", something like that; you will find hundreds nay thousands of games to choose from.
Most games of this genre are going to be free, pretty awesome huh? Keep in mind the ones on the front page are not necessarily the best, but probably the oldest or best marketed.
Not all of them are going to be winners of course, but I highly suggest giving a game a good chance first (unless it just flat out sucks and you cannot play it or something).
Thanks to modern web technologies like web2.
0 (ajax) and fancy high tech new versions of flash, the Browser MMORPG games are slowly moving to being able to contend with PC or Console based games.
However due to the nature of the current "standards" of web browsers it will be sometime till they are indistinguishable.
A few new Browser MMORPGs are fully interactive with real time graphics, in most cases they will be a 2D Browser Game, but 3D ones are in the works.
As cool as better graphics are or graphics period (you will find many a Browser to be text-based), as I stated earlier; the most important aspects of any video game are its game play and story.
You will find these components in a lot of Browser MMORPGs.
A Browser MMORPG is made generally from standard web making tools/programs such as php and mysql.
These free and open source tools allow web applications to be made without having to sell your house.
Even though such applications were not necessarily designed to run games, an imaginative programmer will have no problem thinking of ways around problems offered by designing a Browser MMORPG for a web browser environment.
But back to the point, people expand your horizons and explore the Browser MMORPG genre.
Due to the high availability of these games (all you need is a decent web connection), there is a large community of for the most part friendly people who will either help you out or provide some sort of competition.
Of course you will find the occasional jerk, but that's people for ya.
So hop on Google search away and discover the wonderful world of the Browser MMORPG.
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