There are plastic surgery procedures for almost every part of the body today.
There are eyelid surgeries to bring the eyes back to "life.
" There are breast enhancement procedures to create a fuller chest.
There are body lifts to get rid of extra skin after massive weight loss.
Yet one plastic surgery you may not have heard of is mentoplasty or chin surgery.
This is a surprisingly useful procedure for giving greater definition and shape to the face.
If you have ever wanted to change the shape prominence of your chin, here's what you need to know about mentoplasty.
How It Is Performed After putting the patient under local or general anesthesia, the plastic surgeon makes an incision under the jaw or inside the mouth at the bottom of the gums at the front of the jaw.
The plastic surgeon then gently pulls aside the muscles and tissues so that the implant can be inserted.
The implant is a man-made material designed to feel like the body's own tissue.
The implant will be shaped and cut to perfectly fit the patient's face and to complement the other features, like the nose and cheekbones.
The patient's own chin bone may be reshaped and sculpted by the plastic surgeon as needed.
Once the implant is in place, the incisions are closed up and the anesthesia is allowed to wear off.
The whole process can last between one and three hours.
In some cases, you and your plastic surgeon may decide that a liposuction in the area may further improve your appearance and this procedure can be performed during the mentoplasty.
Good Candidates Before you are okay-ed for the operation, your plastic surgeon will help you determine whether you are a good candidate for the procedure.
It is important that you be in generally good physical health as chin surgery requires a strong immune system and blood flow.
You will not be approved for the operation if you have any bone disorders or other active diseases.
Plastic surgeons also talk with you to make sure you have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure.
They make sure you know that mentoplasty can basically create a more balanced facial profile but it is not a magic recipe for supermodel beauty.
The Recovery After the procedure, you will need to wear a special bandage for the first two or three days.
There will be swelling, bruising, and some pain.
These are all natural consequences of any operation or trauma to the body.
They are signs that the body is working to heal itself.
The bruising will go away after a few days to a few weeks, the pain can be managed with prescription medications, and the swelling may take up to six months to completely subside.
For the first couple days post operation you will not be permitted to chew hard or crunchy foods, but you should basically eat a liquid or soft food diet.
You will also be advised not to go back to strenuous exercise or activity for two or three weeks, but you should be back to work and other normal activities within a week or two.
Chin surgery is a great way to give your face a more balanced, proportional look, giving you added confidence and satisfaction in your appearance.
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