Health & Medical Yoga

Prayer Part 4- I Pray - But Why Do I Spend My Time Waiting

There is still so much that we don't know about in this earth realm and for the most part we are only aware of the dimension that we are in now.
We can only imagine what is going on in other dimensions, or in the heavens, or the angelic realms.
I don't know why things can take a long time to come into existence even though we can spend a long time praying for it.
Some of the reasons might be for many of us, we have been praying incorrectly all the past years, and didn't realize our true nature, the power of every word that we speak, and our thoughts, and that we have been begging when we should have taken authority over the situation.
With our words of doubt or by complaining we inadvertently negated the power of the prayer.
We do that time and time again.
Also there are delays because previous things that we have prayed for are continuing to be completed.
It is like having many things waiting in a queue and they come in chronological order.
Sometimes we have forgotten that we have prayed for something to be done, or for a change in us to occur and we immediately move on to something else that we think that we need or can make a change in us.
We are putting things in the queue.
The other thing that occurs is an energetic lining up of just the right circumstances, people, and timing of events so that what we ask for will come into existence.
For an example if you ask for patience, you get patience by going through trials, and things or circumstances that don't always go as planned.
If you are praying for a great relationship, in order for this person to be able to come into your life, both of you have to be ready, in the same place, and on the same wave-length.
Let's say though that you previously had a rotten relationship and you are healing from your wounds.
To be in the right space for your perfect mate to come in you must go through the healing and come to a place where once again you can be open and sometimes vulnerable to a partner's offering of love, attention and requests.
If you are not, the new relationship will not work.
Another example let's say that you are ready for your true love.
But he/she is not in the area where you live.
In order for you to meet this person, you either have to go to where he/she is or she/he has to come to you.
Timing then becomes very important.
When the circumstances align for both of you, suddenly you and your partner will be drawn together at the same time.
That can't be rushed.
Let's say that we have been praying for help for a better financial future.
Or even in a moment of clarity that we asked for something specific.
How many times have we been offered some small help or even great assistance and we turn it down because we don't feel we are worthy or we think that we should be able to do everything ourselves.
Or sometimes we think that the help or assistance shouldn't come in that manner.
We closed the door on another opportunity and if we received in the first place it might have been a stepping-stone for something more profound, or that we might have instantly experienced the success that we had been craving for years.
For another opportunity to align itself again, it could take several more years in the future for this to occur.
Prayer keeps you focused on the divine nature of yourself.
It keeps you connected in the spirit.
By reconnecting with the divine nature of yourself frequently you stay on the path that you wish to walk.
You can access the divine wisdom of yourself keeping yourself centered and open for insight, new movements, changes to your situation, pitfalls, challenges, or unexpected events that will occur or has occurred.

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