A service mark identifies and distinguishes the source of a service.
It is any word, name, symbol, device, or any combination of some or all of them used or intended to be used in commerce.
These service marks are used in advertisements for a service.
It is better to register the service marks and safeguard your company and the usage of your service marks.
Service Marks: How to File.
The application for registering service marks can be filed only by the owner of the mark.
The owner is the person who uses or controls the use of the mark as well as controls the nature and quality of the services offered.
Make sure your service mark is not a copy of any other mark as well as that it is uniquely yours, before filing registration forms.
Before registering the service marks make sure you have a scanned copy of the service marks to be used as well as being sure what class your service come under and your basis for filing.
The application for registering service marks may be filed electronically over the Internet using TEAS.
While visiting the TEAS website, look for application forms and select the appropriate form.
The site is user-friendly, and hence navigation is easy.
You will be asked to give the name, address, phone number and the email address of yours as well as to indicate what kind of entity it is.
The nature of the mark has to be indicated, whether standard format where you have to type in the mark, or if it is a special form, you have to scan in a copy of the intended service mark.
The form asks you complete a list of services and assigned international class codes for each service listed and you have to pay fees for each class listed.
You will also be asked to file a specific filing basis if you are currently using the mark or intending to use the mark, foreign application and registration exists for same services etc.
if you choose the 'in use' option, you will be required to provide an exact copy of the service mark exactly as it is used.
The total fee depends on the number of classes the service associated with the service mark are classified.
Credit card, automated deposit account, and electronic funds transfer are the three kinds of payment options available.
The fee will be computed and presented to you.
These are a few of the procedures involved in filing service marks in order to register them.
Registering gives you the sole right to use the service mark as well as control over the way it are to be used.
Registering service marks is recommended to protect your business.
There are firms that offer their services as well as products to help filing service marks.
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