Most small business owners get hung up on the idea that their customers are local and they know about the business anyway, that you don't need to appeal to customers outside your area so why develop a web presence, etc.
But the facts and figures show otherwise.
A website is a way to reach new markets right in your area as well.
Not everyone has the time to saunter down to your shop or office.
Put all the information about your products and services you supply right there on a website and watch your business grow.
The beauty of this is you will reduce your print costs substantially too.
It is so that many customers still drive down the street looking for the appropriate business.
Others look in the yellow pages.
But remember that the majority of households now have internet access.
They are looking for products and services online.
Publicizing your URL and business name might form the basis of all local advertising campaigns in future.
When people need your products and services they will know to go straight to your website.
The trend is growing to the extent that the public might indeed believe your business to be insignificant if you don't have a website.
One great benefit of having a website is that all the information is there permanently.
There is no way you could fit all your product information into a brochure or advertisement.
There are virtually no space limitations on a website.
It is preferable to use your marketing budget to send customers to your website.
This includes flyers and advertisements.
It makes dollar sense! The great thing about getting customers to your website is that you can entice them to sign up and, in so doing, capture their name and email address.
That gives you the opportunity to send them newsletters with.
I can't over-emphasize how cost-effective having a website can be.
Compared to most other forms of marketing and advertising, having a website is the least expensive and time consuming and possibly the most rewarding tool you can have.
Don't be frightened off if you have heard that it takes thousands of dollars to have website professional designed and to set it up.
That may have been true many years ago but no more.
You don't need all the extras that a web designer is typically employed to add.
All you need is a basic site to host your sales copy.
If you can use email, you can build your own website using templates at services such as GoDaddy, iPower, GetResponse and more.
Domain names cost just $10 per year or less and hosting is cheap these days.
When you compare the cost of having a website to the cost of print advertising, a website is a real bargain.
Even hiring a good copywriter is cheap.
It might look like a large amount at first but when you consider that it takes a couple of hours to set up the website and once the copy is added you have a fully operative website, the costs fade into insignificance.
It will need occasional updating but nothing more.
These you can carry out yourself.
Changes might include changes of phone number or price changes.
Bottom line: if you don't have one yet, get a website!
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