Many years of research and medical experience have established how much obesity is detrimental to health. The health costs of excessive weight in 2010 for the US is huge and is above 100 billion dollars per annum. You can include the multi-billion dollar a year sum that is spent each year for diet related merchandise. If you look into it you it is noticeable the majority of people are overweight or possibly officially regarded as obese. Various culprits that only aggravate this situation are companies that manufacture refined foods and destructive drinks. Many consumers are aware of the prevalence of high calorie fats and sugars found in many types of junk food and drinks. We will talk about several of the negative implications to health resulting from being obese.
Type 2 diabetes due to obesity has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years. In the past, type 2 diabetes mainly developed in adults, but that has changed since more teens are medically obese. Obesity may cause insulin resistance which is important and a precursor to raised levels of blood glucose. The situation is made much more serious with daily consumption of increased amounts of sugar containing products. Many institutions and people have tried to help make the public aware of high fructose corn syrup in numerous drinks. This mixture is much like very strong sugar and will send glucose levels soaring.
Premature complications concerning joints are frequently a side effect of the obese problem. The key places are the weight bearing joints such as hips, knees and ankles. Whenever the joints have so much wear and tear, they will produce other severe complications such as arthritis. However, the solution is not always so simple as merely changing a damaged joint. However, the best results occur when there is not an obese condition in these patients. But for those who could benefit from it yet are obese, this is not always recommended. If a joint is changed, what can often occur are further complications after the surgery. The increased weight could possibly result in the joint being loose which can further damage surrounding bone.
Problems are extremely common relating to the cardiovascular system and especially high blood pressure. As with a number of other of our bodily processes, excessive fat puts a severe load on the body. The reason behind this as it pertains to the heart is the extra fat tissue still needs blood for nutrition and oxygen. It all leads back to the heart certainly considering that is what moves the blood. The straightforward net effect is to create a condition of higher blood pressure. Another common result is a chronically greater heart rate brought on by the higher workload required.
The predicament of being overweight is an overall highly negative influence on all the body's organs. But our conversation here today is only the tip of the iceberg with regards to all that is possible.
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