- It may come as a shock, but recipes are a great thing to share with your customers. For example, if you own a bakery, why not offer your customers recipes they can make from the comfort of their own home? This doesn't mean you have to share any trade secrets or ingredients, just a simple chocolate chip cookie recipe. This way, your customers will look forward to their monthly newsletter for the recipe of the month.
- Articles are a great way to keep your customers informed, not only about your business but those similar to it as well. If you own a gardening business and you publish an article about the proper care of plants as well as which flowers are in season, you keep your customers informed. Even if you can only spare a few minutes, why not offer some helpful gardening tips to get them started?
- Customer surveys are a means of communication between you and your clients. At least once a year, send out a survey for your clients to fill out and send back. This allows their concerns to be heard and for the company to evolve and respond to those requests in the coming year. When customers see that their concerns have been addressed, they're more likely to suggest the company to their friends as well as to return for another visit.
- Contests are a fun way to get customers involved. The contest could be for each newsletter subscriber to take a photo of their garden and send it in by replying to the newsletter itself. The winner of the contest could be a judge on things such as the color and health of the flowers or even from their size. Only your subscribers would be able to enter since the newsletter is essentially their entry form. Not only would this treat your customers for subscribing, but it could also drive new clients to subscribe as well.
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