Everyone is looking for more...
for a better life...
The following 'gems of wisdom' that we are delving into below are brilliant gems from some of the most intelligent and evolved souls that ever lived and will give you the tools you are looking for to create more abundance in your life! This information will change your life forever and will help you begin living the life you've always dreamed of.
This profound wisdom is exhilarating, inspiring and motivating for people who are looking for a more intelligent way to live and will help you to master all the circumstances in your life.
The gems are what I like to call the 'best of the best' of over 150 books on spirituality and philosophy that I have read over the past 15 years.
It is my hope that they will resonate within you and get you excited about creating more abundance, prosperity and success in your life right away! It's time to take your life back and realize that YOU are the expert in your life and no one else.
It's time to put yourself on a path that includes a bigger life for yourself as well as a more self-directed life that contains much more happiness, success, harmony and peace of mind.
Your good IS seeking you and the potentiality of one is the potentiality of all, so let's get started! Listed below are a few of these wonderful 'gems of wisdom' I am speaking about.
Let's take a look at them and delve much deeper into their meaning AND their ability to help you to tap into the power you already possess within! This new knowledge will absolutely help you to accept and create much more abundance, prosperity and success in every area of your life.
'Argue for your limitations and they're yours.
' Definition: YOU are the person that determines your level of success and no one else.
'It's not very crowded on that last mile,' is a familiar saying in business.
It's easy to give up and list all the reasons why something cannot be accomplished or why YOU cannot do it.
The most successful people in the world are problem-solvers.
They are presented with obstacles and they continually and confidentially look for ways to overcome those obstacles.
Don't be someone who gets easily discouraged and gives up.
Nothing worthwhile is ever handed to us.
If you tell people you can't do something, they will take you at your word and move beyond you and onto someone else who is determined to do it! Begin being a confident problem-solver and look at ways to overcome your obstacles.
Don't accept what you perceive to be your 'limitations' because once you do, they will become a part of your experience.
Your affirmation should always be, "I can and I will!" 2.
'Thoughts are things and your thoughts create your reality.
' Definition: You are what you think about all day long! Our thoughts and beliefs will always create our outer reality.
How you are feeling about something is how you are perceiving it.
If you are thinking thoughts about your success and prosperity that is indeed what you will draw to you as your 'energy' or 'vibration' will be at the level of your thoughts and beliefs.
(You MUST be in harmony with something to attract it!) Conversely, if you are thinking thoughts of lack and limitation, THAT is what you will be drawing to you no matter what you may be 'saying' to the contrary.
It is never what you are saying that becomes the reality in your life, it is your BELIEF about someone or something that will be what will be reflected in your life.
We have what's called, 'free will' which means that we have the freedom to choose whatever thoughts we concentrate on most each day.
Therefore, we MUST take responsibility for our lives as they are, because WE have chosen our thoughts and beliefs each day and have created the life we are now living.
However, if you don't like your life as it is, you CAN change it.
Remember the great Universal Law which is 'Change your thoughts and change your life!' 3.
Pray to God, but row to shore.
- A Russian proverb.
Definition: This is one of my favorite sayings of all times.
It is OK to be spiritual and pray to God for help, but as human beings on this earth plane, we need to also do the work! You cannot get something for nothing.
"A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be.
" - Abraham Lincoln.
Definition: It's true, YOU decide how you will react to the things that happen in your life and that, then, will determine your happiness or unhappiness each day.
Many people, unfortunately choose to be unhappy no matter what the circumstances are in their lives.
They also mistake things outside of themselves for bringing them their happiness, when the fact is that happiness is an INSIDE job.
There is another saying that there is nothing outside of you that will ever make up for the emptiness that you feel inside.
Make a promise to yourself today to focus on happiness inside and out...
for you can only truly be happy if you are happy WITHIN! 5.
"The levels of thinking that got you to where you are now will not get you to where you dream of being.
- Albert Einstein.
Definition: Most people get to a point in their lives where they think they've 'made it' and then they want to stay there and not experience any more change.
That is impossible.
One of the only guarantees in life is that change will continue to happen.
It never stays still.
We need not fear change.
Change keeps our life fresh, it helps us to continue growing forward toward an even greater good.
We are not here to stagnate in our jobs or our relationships.
We are here to 'make a living,' not 'make a dying,' but so many people hang on so tenaciously to dead-end jobs that give them very little in return.
If that is you, it's time to reassess your condition and start believing that you are a spiritual being having a human experience and not the other way around.
You are here to prosper and to thrive in every area of your life.
Tell yourself that you will no longer live a life that is merely 'status quo!' 6.
"It's time to stop wishing for fewer problems, and start wishing for greater wisdom.
" - Robin Sharma.
Definition: Problems and challenges are a part of life.
That is a fact.
It is much better to start cultivating greater wisdom to help you overcome your challenges with ease and grace instead of wishing that challenges will cease altogether because we know that will never happen.
Through these 'gems of wisdom,' you CAN have greater wisdom which will help you to successfully overcome all your challenges.
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