Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Finished - Best Bicep Workout Routines Used by Bodybuilders

There are lots more exercises for the arms then there are for practically any other part of the body or muscle. The reason for this is because there are lots of different muscle groups in the arms and they all need different exercises that will target the muscles according to their needs. Arm exercises normally work on the biceps and the triceps, but your arms should get some sort of exercise with any type of upper body exercise that you do. These exercises will not tone or strengthen them adequately and should be supplemented with some individual attention to the arms. Your biceps and triceps control the bending, rotation and extension of the arms.

There is a plethora of arm muscles workouts out there so a beginner has plenty of choices of where to start and how to go about getting the best bicep workout possible. However not all arm exercises are effective. Some can be very dangerous. Listed below are two of the most effective and safest bicep and tricep exercises.

Bicep Curls:

The bicep curl is one of the most common and easiest exercises to do. It is very simple and can be achieved in the privacy of your own home or the gym. The routine is simple. Hold a weight in you hand with your hand resting besides your legs. You palm should be facing your outer leg. Using only the power of the bicep lift the weight up until your forearms are vertical and the weight is by your chest.

The very basic motion of lifting the bar to your chest is the staple of most arm exercises. It has an almost limitless variety of different applications.

The curl can target different areas of the biceps and more weights can be added to increase the difficulty. You can also use an EZ curl bar instead of the dumbbell weights. This will give you greater variety during the routine and will train more of the muscle. Dumbbells are great for bicep curls because they are so adaptable.

Different weights can be used and they ensure that it is solely the biceps muscle that is doing the work and not the muscles of the back or chest. Weight benches that can be set at different angle, preacher benches or curl machines are all good ways for you to use the biceps curl in a different way to train different parts of the muscle and give yourself the best bicep workout.

Triceps extensions are done lying down on straight bench with a barbell or dumbbells angled upwards. Without moving the upper arms bend your elbow and stop when the weight is almost at the forehead. Using the power of the triceps raise the weights back into the starting position and repeat. This basic motion can be done with a variety of different tools in a variety of different ways but the basic motion stays the same. You can use a variety of different weights, dumbbells or barbells to perform this exercise.

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