Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Types of Toxic Coworkers - And Ways to Handle Them

You promised not to pay attention to some distractions in your office but no matter how hard you tried to ignore a coworker's snide remarks, unethical habit of back stabbing, etc.
you were obliged then to face the culprit and give him his dose of medicines.
In fact, sometimes, you felt powerless to just even air your grievances for fear that you might be eliciting negative reactions from coworkers who might be experiencing different treatment-- perhaps, they're luckier to be treated justly by your so-called bully or just a plain cruel coworker.
Here are now a few villains and ways to handle them.
Whiners: Yes, always have issues regarding the company, a coworker, the boss, and the like.
He might be consistent in the grievance committee logbook, as if he is always the favorite of abuse from other mighty coworkers- who- believe- they -are- sacred- cows- and- untouchables...
Instead of listening to his litany of injustices and all, why not advise him to just leave you alone and you have your own problems to attend to.
Backstabbers: Once you hear this coworker story-tell a lie, better not say a word or two, or else you would end up the one to blame once such comments of yours reach the one concern.
Yes, you never know this man could just be fishing for comments and eventually put you in the hot seat when the going gets tough-- he would look for someone to pass the blame, or worse...
putting words on your mouth and be nailed in the cross later.
Know-it-all Genius: He might be thinking that he is intelligent--which you might think otherwise.
He is fond of brandishing his knowledge for all to know.
But those in- the-know, know that he is just covering up for his incompetence.
Well, such ego-tripper must learn a lesson or two, why not challenge him to outshine performers instead of hiding in his pretensions.
Garbage Collector: He knows every John's shenanigans, Mary's extra marital affairs, Dorothy's financial woes and the like.
He has all the details as if giving you movie preview or top-ten scandalous affairs and what not.
Well, before you let yourself be absorbed by this and be infected with " virus " you better decline the unsolicited entertainment--for you know the golden rule...

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