Kennel cough is a common illness that typically affects dogs, cats, pigs, rabbits, and in some cases it can affect humans.
So if you are asking, "Is kennel cough contagious?"...
The answer is yes.
While the number of cases involving humans is very low, it is possible for a human to catch this illness from an animal.
The most common questions regarding this disease are where it comes from and what it does to the animal.
This illness is found most often in overcrowded animal shelters and in the facilities of bad breeders.
In most cases the animals are exposed to extremely cold temperatures and they are confined in small quarters with many other animals.
These situations can cause high stress levels in the animal and thus weaken the immune system of the animal.
The disease is common among animals and thus the veterinarian system has developed a vaccine for this called the Bordetella vaccine.
What does kennel cough do to the animal? This is best understood when you have a clear understanding of the respiratory system of animals.
Dogs are the most common victims of this illness.
The respiratory system of a dog is coated with thick mucus.
This mucus not only moistens the animal's lungs and bronchial tubes, but it also helps stave of infection.
When the Bordetella bacteria are present in the respiratory system of an animal it attacks this mucus.
The bacteria will cause the production of the mucus to slow and in some cases it will remove the mucus all together.
This will lead to a hard cough and gasping for the animal.
In some cases this can also lead to canine pneumonia, which when left untreated is a very deadly illness.
This is a very contagious illness that can be spread very easily.
The reason for the ease of transference is due to the extremely small size of the Bordetella microbes.
This disease can be spread through saliva, mucus, as well as through the air.
Animals that are thought to have this illness are not to share food or water with other animals since it is very contagious.
Cats are not typically infected with this disease but they can be.
Most feline's are carriers of this illness and thus can spread it to other animals such as a dog.
The best treatment for a dog that has this illness is antibiotics and hydration.
Antibiotics will cure this illness typically in a matter of 10 days.
In extreme cases it can take up to 3 weeks for the illness to be completely removed.
Hydration is important because it allows the cells within the body to properly flush the system of any intruders.
Kennel cough can also be treated with a humidifier.
If you suspect that your dog has kennel cough you need to bring them inside immediately.
Keeping the animal out of cool or cold temperatures will help them fight off the infection.
A humidifier will also help their lungs to regain some of their natural mucus, thus allowing them to properly fight the infection.
Kennel cough is contagious and needs to be treated with care and precision.
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