The Twilight series has become an international phenomenon and billion dollar franchise of books, movies, and merchandise that is rivaling even Harry Potter.
The touching tale of the young girl who falls in love with a tortured vampire has become one of most well known sagas ever.
With the release of the next chapter of the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, Twilight fans are once again excited and looking to express themselves with interesting Twilight merchandise and items geared towards the fans.
If you are a "Twi-Hard" looking for gear here are some helpful tips that will allow you to find the best items.
The first thing to do is think about what you want to get.
Most fans of the Twilight series like to get items that have pictures of the actors playing their favorite characters.
For example since the release of New Moon Taylor Lautner's character, the werewolf Jacob has become very popular.
If you are a Lautner fan you can get posters, Keychains and other items with his picture.
Also true diehards can get werewolf paraphernalia that is linked with the depiction of werewolves in New Moon and Eclipse.
Look for items that have wolf motifs or pictures of your favorite Twilight werewolf and his group in action.
You can also look for fun gear featuring the Volturi now that actress Dakota Fanning now plays the menacing Jane.
Something to look at is gear that is unique and one of a kind.
True fans should look for limited edition items that you would not find everywhere in the grocery stores or party supply outlets.
This may be a small boutique in your town or a major city.
One place that is increasingly being turned to for one of a kind fan gear is the internet.
This can range from actual items from the set of the Twilight movies or unique and creative gear created by devoted fans.
The internet gives you access to a wide selection.
So if you want to prove that your devotion to the series exceeds your friends definitely look online and in any other place you can think of.
Just like hunting for antiques and other collectibles you will find great items in unique places.
Costumes are another great piece of Twilight Merchandise for the megafan and the great thing is that you can find costumes any time and not just Halloween.
Dress up for the premiere of Eclipse looking like your favorite character whether you support werewolves or vampires, Edward or Jacob.
It also allows you show your creativity to buy individual parts of a costume and make a more authentic look.
You should also try getting promotional items.
These are specific items that are specially released to promote a movie or event.
A great example are commemorative cups and glasses that stores and restaurants give a way or sell to promote patronage and help support a movie.
These are great items for hardcore fans to collect and you should take the opportunity to purchase them whenever you can.
In the end you can get Twilight merchandise from a wide variety of sources.
What will allow you to make the best choices is to find the items that are most unique or interesting.
The should reflect what you like most about the Twilight series.
Also just have fun with it and see it as another great way to enjoy and celebrate the Twilight saga.
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