Being stuck in the position where you feel like you totally are in love with a woman but you just cannot seem to make her feel the same way is not a good place to be. When you think about her, it just becomes more and more apparent that you really do feel like you are falling for her, but it also seems almost impossible for you to make her feel the same way. Is it all just a game of luck and hope or are there things that you can do to make her feel that way about you?
Here are some tips on how to make her fall in love with you that can help you out:
1. Women fall in love with men that seem to complement them.
Realize that this is complement and not compliment. You don't have to spend all day long telling her how great she is, you want to show her that with you, her like can be a lot better and more full. For example, a shy woman is usually going to be very intrigued and attracted to a guy who is really outgoing. And eventually, that can turn into love very easily.
2. You need to show her that she is a priority, without making it seem like she is your entire life.
There is a thin line between showing a woman that she is definitely a priority to you and making it seem like she is all you think about. Doing the latter will actually work to decrease her attraction and the possibility that she falls in love with you. No matter how great you may think she is, you need to show her that you do have a life and even though she is a priority, she is not all of it.
3. If you really want her to fall in love with you, then you need to make her feel incredible sexual tension with you.
The more sexual tension that a woman feels when she is around you, the more likely it is that she will end up thinking about you in a very positive way all of the time. When you have that kind of sexual tension with a woman, that is when she is really ripe to fall in love and you don't have to worry about it being the platonic kind at all. Don't think that sex and love do not intermingle, because they do a LOT.
When you know exactly how to create sexual tension with a woman and do all of the other right things, it's almost inevitable that she ends up falling in LOVE with YOU...
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