Days of Our Lives Recap for April 12, 2013
Desperate Threats
Chloe threatened to leave and take Parker, noting that there was nothing Daniel could do about it. He stopped her. Chloe didn't understand how Daniel could forgive everyone but her. She rehashed what happened in their past -- Kate trying to poison her, because she left Lucas for Daniel; Vivian convincing her that Daniel and Carly were having an affair, which made her turn to Philip ...
“I made one mistake, and it's because I thought you didn't want me anymore,” cried Chloe. Then, she announced that she wasn't going to let anyone turn her son against her.
Daniel admitted he had loved Chloe once, but now the only thing that they shared was Parker. He believed Chloe loved their son and would do right by him. “What's right is for his mother and father to be together,” replied Chloe. Daniel said he loved Jennifer and wasn't going to live a lie. Finally, Chloe came to her senses and said she wouldn't rob Parker of Daniel's love, just because she couldn't have it, too.
Facing Facts and Moving On
Chloe announced that her life was going to be about what was best for Parker from now on. Nevertheless, Daniel noted that he wasn't letting his son out of his sight. Chloe understood. Daniel also said he was going to call Justin to find out how to establish paternity rights.
Later, Daniel was playing with Parker, when he decided to call Jennifer, but it went straight to voice mail. Meanwhile, Chloe sat on a bench in the square scrolling through pictures of Parker on her cellphone.
“I know what I need to do now,” she whispered.
Outing Apollo
Desperate to keep Anne from discovering Cameron's alter ego, Apollo the stripper, Abigail stopped a waiter at the club and told him he had to keep from taking the stage. His life depended on it. Chad handed the waiter some cash to make sure he'd do what Abigail asked. Meanwhile, Abigail bumped into Caroline. (Yes, Caroline!) Seems she and her pal Rosa decided to have a little fun. Abigail was beside herself as the curtain went up for the show.
Saving Cameron
Abigail and Chad knew they had to come up with a plan. Abigail jumped up on stage and started dancing with another stripper, hoping to get backstage. Chad distracted Anne, saying he knew her from Salem and started buying her drinks. Finally, Abigail got backstage and begged Cameron not to go out there, but he did anyway. Caroline thought the stripper looked familiar. Abigail rushed out to the club and found a drunk Anne passed out next to Chad. Crisis averted!
After his act, Cameron found Chad, Abigail and Anne. Chad carried Anne out of the club. Cameron stopped Abigail from leaving, saying they needed to talk. Abigail noted that she and Chad has saved Cameron's job and that if he started complaining, she was going to punch him.
Apologies and Plots
Nick entered the coffeehouse and apologized to Sonny for calling him that nasty gay slur. Then, he informed Will that his family was bothering Gabi, again. EJ and Sami were outside, and when Sami saw Nick she wanted to go inside and let him have it. EJ talked her out of it. Inside, Nick explained that Kate wanted Gabi to sign a document guaranteeing Will could see the baby and that his name would be listed as father on the birth certificate. Sonny pointed out that Gabi wanted Will to be a part of his daughter's life. Nick said it was in Will's best interests to make sure Gabi didn't change her mind. Then, he left.
Sami went inside and learned what Kate had done. Sonny asked what was happening with Stefano. EJ suggested Will start dropping by the mansion more. He was confident Stefano would end up helping him. Will admitted he was desperate and would do anything to be with his daughter. EJ and Sami noted they just needed to find some sort of leverage to use against Nick.
Marriage in Their Future
EJ and Sami returned to the DiMera mansion, where EJ noted that he saw marriage in his and Sami's future. "I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," declared EJ. Then, he and Sami kissed.
Prison Ties
Nicole agreed to go out with Vargas and help him celebrate receiving his first paycheck in years. Soon the pair were at the pub, and Nicole was introducing Vargas to Gabi. Nick walked in and Gabi introduced Vargas to her husband. Vargas let the cat out of the bag: he and Nick knew each other from prison. Vargas noted that Nick had a beautiful wife and baby on the way and that he was an inspiration.
Gabi questioned Nick about Vargas, while Nicole questioned Vargas about Nick. They both downplayed how well they knew one another. Gabi brought Vargas his bill and he went to the bar to pay it, where Nick was. He told Nick he hoped he was thinking hard about how to make his money grow. “Just stay away from my wife,” spat Nick.
Later, Nicole and Vargas were back at the rectory. Vargas thanked Nicole for having dinner with him and handed her a takeout container with a surprise in it. “Something a little sweet to keep you going,” he said, as their hands touched.