Step 1-Realize that a pump, extender, or pill can never make you larger, no matter how expensive they are A lot of men understand that these products they see everywhere probably won't work to make them larger, but they just can't resist ordering one last pill or extender to see if they might work.
They never will, because they can never possibly do what needs to be done to make yourself larger.
You have to take your hands and push pressure down your shaft with specialized exercises.
This is the only method to getting larger that works.
Buying an extender will not work, because they can not work down the whole shaft all.
They are simply a stretching device that pulls the penis from the base to right under the shaft.
Stretching does not cause the tissue to expand.
All it does is stretch, and that does not cause permanent size increases.
No matter how amazing their claims are, they do not work.
Step 2-Understand how much of a difference a 1 inch gain with exercises matters Some guys learn that the average gain with hand exercises is one inch in length and a quarter inch ot a half inch in girth and that don't think that doing the exercises is worth it at all.
What these men don't understand is how big of a difference 1" in size is.
For example, 55 percent of men fall between 5 and 6.
5 inches in length.
That is the average, and most women are not surprised when they so something that size.
7 inches and over is held by only 10% of men, and eight inches by just under 6% or less.
So, if you are an average 6, which almost every average height male in the world is, then is you add an inch you suddenly go to the top 10% of penises she is going to see or experience.
That is why what sound like a little gain is really a lot.
Many women exaggerate how many 8 inch erections they run into.
It is though that about 4-5% of men actually have one, and that includes men of all ages and sexual orientations.
Chances are, if you took 100 men out of a bar only 1 or 2 would have an 8 inch size or just one or none.
You have to remember also that they would have to be straight, sexually active men, who the women found attractive too.
So, now we are talking about more like 1 or 2 out of every 200-250 men picked randomly out of a bar.
Most women are lying when they say they only sleep with 8 inch erections, they never measure actually penis size.
A thick 7 inch man is probably what they are thinking is eight most of the time.
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