There can be no question that anxiety disorders and panic attacks are absolutely horrid to experience, and no doubt at all that they can have an unhealthy control over our lives to the point that the mere fear of an attack will stop us doing ordinary, everyday activities.
Before we reach for relief from prescribed medication we need to consider our options.
Are drugs safe? Is there an alternative that works? Take a moment to read some of the key reasons that support my belief that medication should not be automatically prescribed.
* They cure the symptoms only.
You could say this is a good start, but treat the symptoms is all the drug can do.
It can not cure the disorder.
So, no real long term progress here.
* There is a very real possibility of addiction.
It is likely that at some point you will wish to feel normal again but will most likely have some, or extreme, difficulty coming off the medication.
* You can expect medications to have side effects.
The side effects may have a larger impact on your life than the disorder they treat.
* They can make you dependent.
The pills become your best friend because you rely on them.
The thought of coping without them becomes scary.
Having depended on drugs to subdue the attacks it's difficult to consciously choose to face the possibility of the attacks all on your own.
There are obviously occasions when the use of prescribed medication is appropriate.
If the condition has progressed to the point where you cannot function normally, then the only way to facilitate change and provide relief for a sufferer may well be with a prescribed drug.
Should you be in this situation then take care to limit the time spent taking medication and start preparing for the day that you feel strong enough to deal with the causes of the panic attacks.
If you suffer from anxiety and panic attacks but have so far resisted medication then look now for a drug free cure.
Learn to be free of panic attack causes by using a simple step by step approach to taking back control of your life.
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