Ovarian cysts are fast becoming a major concern for a growing number of women worldwide.
According to Quantcast, a reputable internet research company online (results as of April, 2010), the number of people actively looking for an effective cure or treatment of ovarian cysts online, whether it be their own or their loved one's condition, are not limited to a small segment of the population.
In fact, it has become more diverse as these figures reveal: 1.
55% of people looking for an ovarian cyst cure are female, while the rest are male (doing the research in behalf of their wife, mother, sister, relative or significant other).
These figures represent the average age of the people who are concerned about this disease, whether they be follicle cysts, corpus luteum cysts, endometriomas, cystadenomas, dermoid cysts, or polycystic ovaries.
They compose the middle-age bracket.
Interesting to note though is that the age bracket before them (18-34) is fast catching up.
66% of curious researchers are reported to have no kids in their household.
This however, does not necessarily mean that they don't have any children of their own.
People primarily with Hispanic and secondarily Asian descent, are said to be the common visitors who frequent sites related to alternative or natural treatment for ovarian cysts (aside from the usual surgery in the form of laparoscopy or laparotomy, birth control pills, or hormonal treatment).
49% of women who frequent these sites are college graduates.
44% haven't graduated from college.
While only 7% have made it to graduation school.
While ovarian cysts are a worldwide health challenge, the leading countries where most concerned patients come from are the United States (48.
4%), India (12.
3%), and Australia (9.
South Africa, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel and Singapore each respectively range between 0.
7 to 7.
6% The rest of the countries make up the remaining 11.