Business & Finance Corporations

The Secret to Business Success for Entrepreneurs - Part I - It All Starts With YOU

Success Starts with YOU therefore YOU Need to Work Harder On YOU Than Anything Else! Success in business means something different to each individual but there are several key factors that will aide anyone in their quest.
You can work on YOU by paying attention to and implementing the following: Spend time onpersonal development.
Read books, attend seminars and align your thoughts and actions with wealth and prosperity.
Two books that I found to be very valuable in this area are "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.
    Be excited andpassionate about what you do.
    People are going to be more impressed by the height of your enthusiasm than they are by the depth of your knowledge.
    If you take the word passion and break it down (and add a "t") you get "pass-it-on".
    If you are not passionate about your business, products and services then you're going to have a difficult time passing it on (or selling it) to anyone else.
        Figure out andfocus on WHY you're in business for yourself.
        When I first started my own network marketing business, I didn't start it to make millions of dollars, achieve financial freedom or because I was confident in my ability to successfully run my own home based business.
        I was just hoping to make enough extra money my first month to buy a new water heater for my tiny little house that I lived in with my son Eric.
        It took me a long time to realize that money is NOT a motivator for all people.
        Each of us has our own reasons why we are in the business we're in.
        For me, it was to better support my family, to have more time freedom and to realize my life's purpose, which is helping people develop self-esteem and confidence and achieve their true potential.
          Enhance your image.
          Whether we want to admit it or not, our image, our appearance and how we carry ourselves have a lot to do with making a positive first impression.
          Can you transform your image and begin exuding more confidence by simply investing in a new suit or professional outfit, getting a more stylish haircut and cleaning up your appearance? Then stop procrastinating and do it.
          Feeling more confident in yourself and your image may prompt you to take more action toward your goals and dreams.
              Move intoaction.
              How, when and where will you get started in your own business? How will you progress? What unique resources will you draw on? Develop an action plan.
              Once you move into action you'll probably have better results.
                Surroundyourself with the best people you know.
                Associating with positive, successful, motivated people can be contagious and can do wonders for your life and your business.
                    Take the highroad.
                    Run your business andyour life with honesty and integrity and you will never go wrong.
                      YOU can accomplish anything if YOU:
                      1. Clearly decide what you're absolutely committed to achieving.
                      2. Take massive action to achieve the goals and results you have committed to.
                      3. Pay attention to your actions.
                        What's working and what's not?Continue to change your approach until you achieve your goals.
                            This ultimate success formula works regardless of the type of business you're in! Remember, YOU need to work harder on YOU than anything else because it all starts with YOU!

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