Anti aging creams came as a revolution for women.
They help in fulfilling their dream of looking young again, the idea of getting the beauty back seems like an entire new lifetime and many leading brands now offer you to avail this new lifetime.
There are many factors which should be taken into account when considering the anti aging cream for your skin but in this article I will tell you about the pros and cons about using anti aging creams.
It is a known fact that excessive exposure to sun, alcohol and smoking is going to make you look older much earlier than u should look old, but any anti aging cream is not going to cure that, and you will have to go for an operation which will peel away your skin and reveal a new one beneath it, but thus process is very dangerous and harmful thus it is advisable to avoid exposure to such stuff.
There are many good reasons to use anti aging creams, if the cream is of a good quality and brand then it will have all the natural ingredients and would avoid the usage if chemicals, preservatives and additives.
This type of cream will keep your skin moist, young, firm and fresh.
Natural creams are likely to use natural ingredients like olive oil, jojoba oil, glycerin, minerals and some vitamins.
All these natural ingredients work to make your skin more smooth, soft and healthy; some of them can also get you get rid with the dark circles under your eyes.
But there are many reasons why you should not use anti aging creams.
First of all applying anything which isn't natural and is made out of something can prove to have negative effects on your skin and instead of making it younger it might end up making it saggy and irritated.
If the skin does not suit your skin type then it could damage the PH level o your skin and imbalance it, it could even destroy some cells which might not be reproductive thus this process could turn out to be dangerous for your health.
If you are pregnant then it would be your last choice to go for anti aging creams.
The one available in the US is tretinion, and it contains elements which increases chances of birth defects.
While the natural form of vitamin A causes no side effects, tretinion might be itchy and cause redness and irritation because of all the artificial elements.
Paraben is a cheap preservative which contains paraffin and paraffin wax and is used in many anti aging creams, long term use of this can cause irritation as they might clog some pores and often times beef fat is also used as an ingredient in anti aging creams.
The usage of these ingredients can cause different health problems such as cancers and depressive disorders.
But these ingredients are use by manufacturers even after knowing its harmful consequences.
Based on the above reasons and the risk which anti aging creams have it is advisable to use more natural ingredients to obtain a younger looking skin.
Natural products might be a little expensive and might take a longer period of time but the time and money are worth the results.
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