Business & Finance Shopping

Some Basic Embroidery Stitches in Main Street

The handicraft or art which is meant to decorate fabric with proper use of needle and yarn or thread is called as embroidery.  Beads, pearls, sequins and metal strips are some of the materials which are getting used in this art. Talking about advertising industry, the art has become one of the major advertising sources for all kinds of business owners.

Basic techniques or stitches make the art of embroidery in Main Street distinct from other art forms. Particularly, five different types of stitches of embroidery are known which will be discussed in this article.


The kind of stitch is considered super easy. A small stitch about the length of a grain is made followed by bringing needle through the centre of the stitch and same step is followed in this kind.


Another basic type is backstitch in which the thread wraps around the fabric during stitching and sometimes, the thread go through the same hole twice. The technique involved in the type is easy to learn. One is only required to make sure the space between the holes is even and the thread amount to be used is sufficient.

The kind of promotion or event where the embroidery is needed to be done on blankets and other kinds of garments, the backstitch is followed. If we talk about splitstitch and stemstitch, both are two different types of backstitches. With splitstitch process, the needle pierces the yawn or thread over the fabric as it comes up through the back of the material, splitting the thread.


One of the most decorative stitching kinds is chainstitch. Certain easy to use instructions are there which can be followed to make the process simple and easy. The kind is actually a series of loop stitch that forms a chain.


Another basic form or type is couching that requires two sets of threads wherein one set is known to attach the other thread set to the fabric. The part that is being attached needs to be thicker or heavier than the part that attaches or binds the thread as well as fabric together.

Couching has some specific styles which are getting used these days. Such styles include Pendant couching, square laid work, Bokhara couching, Battlement couching and Oriental couching. Leading advertising solution providers are known to make use of all basic types of embroidery stitches for banners and other promotional needs in Vancouver, depending on the needs, choice and budget of the clients.

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