Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Do You Believe in Psychic Mediums?

Want to hear a strange statistic that surprises many people?

There were an estimated 1 MILLION psychic readings done by phone in 2012 alone.

Out of those readings, it's roughly estimated that 70% of those readings were done for LOVE.

Either finding true love. Or figuring out whether the partner the caller had already picked was the "one".

Or of course, to get some intuitive insight on how faithful (or fruitful) an existing relationship was....or whether there was any future in a romance at all.

Of those readings, the MOST common caller to a psychic service or individual intuitive were women, between the ages of 25-55, who earned 75,000 a year or MORE and had at least one college degree.

Pretty surprising, don't you think?

Most people tend to stereotype psychic fans, followers and aficionado's and new age groupies, spiritist and folks who walk around remembering past lives as Cleopatra, or Napoleon Bonaparte.

Want another interesting statistic?

According to the most recent Gallup poll, more than 70% of people in the US believe in some sort of psychic ability.

More than 75% of people worldwide believe in the same.

And while science continues to evolve, grow and advance... the ironic thing is, belief in psychic abilities are HIGHER today than they've ever been before.

Another interesting statistic?

Doctors and medical professionals are MORE likely to believe in psychic ability, life after death and spiritual realities than people with only a high school diploma. This directly contradicts the skeptics and cynics who will try to argue that the MORE educated one is, the less likely it is that they'll believe in things that are magical, mystical and mysterious at all.

Interestingly enough, my own father is a physician, and he was one of the first people to expose me to the wild and wacky world of psychic abilities many years ago... after several of his patients had a near death experience and he wanted to learn more about them.

He bought some books written by famous mediums... and then gave them to me when he was done. I was hooked! (And remain so to this very day)

Another interesting fact?

According to some informal surveys done by a group of leading psychics and mediums in 2011 for a TV documentary, more than 50% of people who originally described themselves as "die hard skeptics" BEFORE having their reading, revised their self description as "believers" at some point thereafter.

In the same group of surveys, almost 85% of that same group revised their opinion to at least "curious but not yet convinced" after speaking to a well rated, well credentialed clairvoyant or medium hand picked for the test.

The truth is, the above scenario is VERY common. People who have only been exposed to psychic entertainment tend NOT to believe, or to think it's all silly....until they have a genuine reading that blows them away, or at least, opens their minds to the possibilities.

I've seen it again and again......and the truth is, if your mind is open and you are willing to be fair, there is overwhelming evidence that there is MUCH about his universe we don't yet know.....and that there are powers, abilities and potentials that WILL change your life forever once you experience them first hand.

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