I would say that for most men, approaching a woman that they are not really attracted to isn't that hard of a thing to do. What makes things different is when they feel that twinge of attraction and they suddenly start to see her as being someone that they really want to impress. That's usually when it starts to become hard to approach a woman. So, if you are trying to figure out how to approach a woman you are attracted to, that's a start. To realize that the attraction is what makes it a little more difficult.
Here is some more advice if you want to know how to approach a woman you are attracted to:
1. Confidence is always going to play a key role if you are going to approach a woman successfully.
That is what starts to get different between approaching a woman you don't feel attracted to and one that you do. With the one that you don't feel much attraction for, your confidence isn't shaky at all. It's intact. On the other hand, if you really feel that she is someone you want to impress, suddenly - your confidence seems to sink. You need to find a way to bring it back up.
2. You are going to have to have some pretty decent flirting skills.
How good are you at flirting with a woman naturally? If you are not really that good at it and it comes across as anything but natural, then you know that you have to work on that. Being able to naturally flirt with a woman right off the bat is another key thing if you are going to make her feel like she should get to know you better. You want to make her feel like flirting isn't forced, that it just comes natural when you are around her.
3. Each one is going to get a little bit easier.
Your first approach isn't going to go as well as you want it to. That's just the way that it usually happens. That's okay. Each approach that you make, it gets a little bit easier. When you have gotten to the point where you've approached many women that you are attracted to, you are going to find that you don't feel that weird about it at all. It will be something that you are able to do, without even having to think twice about it.
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