Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

What Makes A Man Decide To Cheat?

A past research on male infidelity showed that most answers came from the wife's point of view.
So, a survey was conducted on a certain percentage of men (ex:200), cheating and non-cheating husbands,
and the reasons behind the infidelity, including what some men say could have prevented
them from wandering to begin with.
Let's get started:
48% of men rated emotional dissatisfaction as the primary reason they cheated.
Only 8 percent of men said that sexual dissatisfaction was the main factor in their infidelity.
Culture tells us that all men need to be happy is sex, but men are emotionally driven persons too!
They want their wives to show them that they are appreciated and want their woman to
understand how hard they're trying to make keep it all together and get things right.
However, most men are less likely than women to express these types of feelings. Most men
consider it unmanly to ask for a pat on the back, that is why their emotional needs are often overlooked.
So, create a marital culture of appreciation and thoughtfulness.
66% of cheating men feel guilt during the affair. It isn't just uncaring son of a guns, who cheat.

68% of cheaters never thought they would be unfaithful in the relationship, and almost all
of them regret it.
Guilt is not enough to stop a man from cheating, men are good at compartmentalizing feelings.
They can hold on to their emotions and deal with them later.
So, if your husband swears that he would never cheat on you, don't assume it will not
or can't happen.
Take steps toward creating the marriage you want.
77% of cheating men have a good friend who cheats/cheated.
Hanging around friends/others who stray makes cheating seem easy and normal, while making
it seem that it is legitimate.
He's subconsciously telling himself (my friend is cheating on his wife, and he is a good guy,
I guess it happens to even the best of us).
You can't ban your husband from hanging around with "Mr Player" but you can request
spending your time together in an environment that offers less temptation,
like at a sporting event or a restaurant for dinner, rather than a bar or a club.
Build your social circle around happily married couples that share your values.
It will create an environment that supports marriage!

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