Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Reduce Your Back Pain Now - 3 Simple Steps to Get Relief From Your Back Pain

Do you suffer from lower back pain on a daily basis? I'm not surprised if you do as over 80% of adults will at some stage in their lives have back pain.
The good news is that there is a high chance of you reducing your this pain by introducing a few easy routines.
There are a number of causes of lower back pain, these 3 being the most common of those causes.
  1. Bad posture- Sitting or standing for hours at a time causes us to hunch and strain our delicate backs.
  2. Weak core muscles- The stronger your core is the less strain is placed on your back when doing everyday regular activities.
  3. Stiff muscles- Having inflexible muscles causes our back to be strained because it is essentially having to work harder to stay upright
By stretching for a mere 10 minutes a day you could greatly reduce your pain by becoming more supple.
I recommend concentrating on your hamstrings, quads, thighs, hips and lower back when performing your stretches.
My current routine consists of me stretching for 5 minutes in the morning and evening whilst showering or bathing as the hot water allows a more efficient stretch.
For core exercises I try spend at least ten minutes every alternative day performing core bridges with my back against an exercise ball.
I have found this to be incredibly effective in strengthening my core, as well as building great abs, and thus reducing lower back pain to a manageable level.
I do 3 sets of these one being on my back and the other two I perform on my left and right side.
Google "lower back injury prevention with rener gracie" to watch the YouTube video so you can see exactly how to do these and benefit from them the most.
Improving your posture will be the hardest to do naturally as we have ingrained the habit of slouching from the countless hours spent sitting.
I try to monitor my posture but even then you will tend to revert to what you have done for years, hunch.
For me this is the biggest cause of back pain as our spines were not designed to be seated 8 hours a day without proper support.
I would recommend getting a specially designed chair especially if you are bound to a desk for the majority of the day.
Placing you lower back under strain for 8 hours a day will only cause the pain to increase over time.
Take a look at this comparison between a regular chair that we tend to spend most of our waking life on a chair designed to support your back: Chair for back pain

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