Health & Medical Men's Health

Male Enhancement Pills Could Kill You!

One of the most popular methods of penis enlargement is to take male enhancement pills.
Even though scientific studies have shown that no significant growth is possible from any of the pills, men still buy them month after month, hoping for just an inch or so of growth.
Besides the fact that these pills will do nothing to add any penile size, there is another, more significant reason to avoid them.
Male enhancement pills could kill you! A little over a year ago, the FDA recalled three supplements, advertised predominantly as all natural male enhancement products.
Each contained substances very close to the PDE-5 inhibitors found in Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.
Now, when purchasing the Viagra and the other two well known ED drugs, you need a doctor's prescription, and are told of the dangers of taking these drugs if you have heart disease, and are taking certain cardiac drugs, especially nitrates.
With the 'all natural enhancement' supplements, no such warnings exists! The problem is that, even after the recall, black market chemists continue to synthesize the PDE-5 inhibitors, and they are then illegally added to the 'natural' supplements as unlabelled, calling them only all natural herbal ingredients.
We have long known of the yohimbe dangers in these enhancement pills, but the synthetic variations of PDE-5 inhibitors can actually be fatal for unsuspecting heart patients who just wanted to add an inch or so of size to their penis.
Since it is possible that male enhancement pills could kill you, what method of enlargement is the safest? Easy! Penile exercise is a true 'natural' method for increasing penis size.
No pills are needed, and you will not need any gadgets, such as pumps pr stretchers.
By using just your hands you can increase your penis size by two inches, and even more with just a little patience.
A good program of penile exercise will cost you a one time fee of between $50 and $75, and will come with 24/7 support should you need help with any of the exercises.
The best programs will have membership forums which allow you to chat with members already using the exercises.
Many times, this one on one chat will give the added incentive needed to stick with the program, and ensure you get maximum results.
Taking male enhancement pills could kill you, and they do not work as a penis enlargement method any way.
Forget the dangerous pills, and get a good program of natural penile exercises.
They are safe, and they work!

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