It's quite all right to do good to people who love you, but quite another story to do good to those that hate you.
Have you done good to people that have hated you? I once was told by Jesus to minister in a strip joint/brothel.
As I began to go in every night a bouncer started to get very angry with me.
I consulted the Lord and He told me to give the bouncer $20.
I told the bouncer to treat himself with the $20 and from that day on the bouncer was all smiles with me.
Who would think that someone that hated me could have been turned around 180 degrees with simply that amount of money.
I once had a friend that turned enemy.
I had told him that I could not be his friend anymore until he had left a cult that he was involved in.
Right away he turned into an enemy and went out of his way to hurt me.
A few years into his hate for me Jesus told me to ring him up when I had a roast in the oven and invite him over to have fresh roast beef sandwiches.
He was so shocked that he had to ask me three times if I was telling him the truth.
After that night together over roast beef sandwiches he stopped his campaign of harassment in my life.
It seems to me that doing good to people that hate you is a powerful and effective action to take with enemies.
Often we expect that Jesus has told us to do something that is just too hard and yet when you try His commandments they seem to work more effectively than anything else we could think up.
Doing good to people that hate you seems the opposite of what you'd think we should do.
The goodness through the grace of God seems to disarm the enemies that we have.
I can't say that it would always have such a powerful effect as my two stories did, but the fact remains that if Jesus said this is how we should act, then it is how we should act.
Be Blessed Matthew Robert Payne
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