Discover my story on the road from smoker to free man.
Get the facts you need to know to quit, in this article.
Looking back, I sometimes need to squeeze myself to see how far I've come.
I look at other smokers and see how their life practically revolves around cigarettes and I almost find it difficult to relate to that anymore.
Let's take a look at my journey.
A Late Starter Strangely enough, despite growing up in a household full of smokers, I did not start until I made a group of new friends at college.
I knew that smoking was bad for you but curiosity got the better of me.
Suddenly I was hooked like all other smokers.
I Struck Gold Then I got real lucky.
I just happened to bump into what I believe is the only way to quit smoking.
At least, the promise of being free from addiction was being made to me and I decided to take up the challenge, I had nothing to lose after all.
Addiction Therapy The method I stumbled across was addiction therapy.
This didn't involve sitting down with a therapist of paying expensive fees.
It was simply a way to learn about my addiction.
To look inside and see the side of addiction that had never occurred to me before.
Within a few days, I knew more about my addiction than most smokers do.
I felt reeducated and rejuvenated.
And as promised, this would allow me to quit without willpower or cravings.
Once you know your addiction better than it knows you, apparently you can quit without the cravings that it wants you to have.
And this is exactly what happened.
What Is Great About Addiction Therapy? The best quality about addiction therapy is that it allows you to quit smoking without using any willpower or cravings.
I realise that might sound nonsensical to you but I am living proof of that, as are thousand of other smokers who quit every year using addiction therapy.
All The Other Methods Fail Do you know what the success rate is for all the other methods such as patches, acupuncture and willpower alone? The long term success rate i.
people who never, ever smoke again, is only around 5-7%.
When you hear the success rates given to you of 50% and higher I would advise you to question those figures and ask for the time scale.
I have no doubt that they are giving you quit rates for follow ups after 3 months, 6 months or other similar short time periods.
As yourself the question: do you want to quit for 6 months or would you rather quit forever?
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