One of the most frequent questions we get asked from men is how to help a woman have a faster orgasm.
The simple truth is that women everywhere are struggling sexually to have rewarding orgasms, and for many of us, it is the number 1 reason why we leave relationships early.
Not fair, huh? Well..
normally I'd agree..
but if you are a woman who simply can NOT experience the amazing and erotic highs of a mind melting orgasm because your MAN is not performing properly..
it can be a very tough spot as well! With this in mind, let's look at 3 proven ways to help her have FASTER orgasms, and dare I say DEEPER ones to boot! Read on below..
:-) Foreplay That is Focused on Her: Foreplay is ALWAYS phenomenal, but if you want to make her climax more quickly, you need to spend a TON of time doting on her in every way possible.
Remember, a woman has MANY erogenous spots that transcend the obvious, and often, your girl will like things UNIQUELY suited to her (and her alike) Find out what they are by asking..
and then amp UP the erotic energy by doing them! The Clitoral Climax is Best: Yes, this is true, guys.
The female clitoris is the ONLY spot on the human body (men and women alike) that is dedicated solely to receiving pleasure.
If you spend the proper amount of time on this VERY sensitive and sexy spot, you are going to find she's FAR more likely to orgasm, and MUCH more quickly than trying all kinds of new positions DURING sex itself.
Size Sometimes DOES Matter: But not penis length, rather, your girth or wonderful width can be an AMAZING aphrodisiac for a woman that helps her climax in a hurry.
A woman's most sensitive nerve endings are hit FAR better with a wide penis than a long one, and simple exercises to make sure YOUR body is getting them is a proven way to take her OVER the top...
and in a hurry!
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