Business & Finance Taxes

How to File Income Taxes in California

    File by Mail

    • 1). Complete the appropriate California tax form. Forms can be filled in and printed from California Franchise Tax Board's website and printed, or a paper form can be completed by hand.

    • 2). Attach your federal tax form if required. Taxpayers who complete
      Form 540A do not attach their federal form. Form 540 filers only attach the federal form if they are itemizing on the state return but not the federal form, or if they filed any federal schedule other than A, B, L or M.

    • 3). Mail form to the following address if you owe additional taxes. Include a check or money order in amount owed, or pay online.

      Franchise Tax Board
      PO Box 942867
      Sacramento CA 94267-0001

    • 4). Mail form to the following address if you have no additional taxes or are due a refund.

      Franchise Tax Board
      PO Box 942840
      Sacramento CA 94240-0002


    • 1). Determine the service for which you are eligible. California Franchise Tax Board's (FTB) website offers two free options. ReadyReturn is restricted to only taxpayers who have one employer, no credits, fewer than five dependents and are single or head of household. CalFile offers more expanded eligibility requirements, allowing 6.4 million taxpayers to qualify, according to the FTB.

    • 2). Log on to the California FTB website. Navigate to appropriate ReadyReturn of CalFile page and sign in.

    • 3). Complete necessary tax forms. Submit them with information to pay additional taxes due or receive refund.

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