Energy can be created but not destroyed. It just can be alternated from one from to another. Energy is of two types: renewable sources (like fuels, electricity and etc) and non-renewable sources (like solar energy, wind energy and etc).Huge consumption and wastage of non-renewable sources of energy will direct to energy crisis, sooner or later. Hence the use of renewable sources of energy (like solar energy), through solar panels (photovoltaic cells), has emerged as a boon to minimize the wastage of non-renewable sources.
As the expenditure of energy continues to rise up, now a day's people opt for homemade solar panels, which are easy to made, install and use. The source of energy is fair. Homemade panels can help you save your money as well as help you in doing your part to defend the environment.
Understand the solar calculator. These calculators do not need batteries and are usableas long as sun is shining on them. The homemade solar panels also work the exact way. Solar energy (sunlight) is trapped and then changed into electrical energy.
Local stores are competent to advice.
Parts Required:
- Crystalline silicon sheets
- Dopants (substance added to alter the electrical properties in a semiconductor)
- Metal conductors
- Protective glass
- Thermal conductive cement (cement from thermal conducting materials like Eugenol, zinc phosphate and etc)
- Cut crystalline silicon sheets into tiny plates withfewer than a centimeter thick.
- Polish and repair (if any damages done during cutting) the plates carefully.
- Post polishing, metal conductors and Dopants to be isolated across each plate.
- The conductors are then adjusted in a slim, network -like matrix above the solar panel, and are dispersed in a flat, slim sheet on the side facing the earth.
- After dealing out, the solar panels need to be protected with a thin layer of cover glass, which is attached to the top of the semiconductor (photovoltaic cell).
- After the bonding of safeguarding glass, the nearly finished panel is attached to an apparatus by thermal conductive cement.
The property of the thermal conductive cement restrains the solar panel from overheating.The electricity performance is very important.
- Although caring measures are taken against overheating of the homemade solar panels, it is significant to keep the solar panels cool through accurate ventilation. The device may be cool if the airflow is underneath.
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