Alcohol poisoning results from excessive alcohol intake or binge drinking causing a victim to puke, which may lead to asphyxiation and culminate in death, if left untreated for long.
If the respiratory center in the brain gets poisoned, the condition is called asphyxiation.
You should not take alcohol poisoning resulting from excessive alcohol consumption, very lightly for it has caused many alcohol related tragedies.
Symptoms The victim will fall unconscious or be in a semiconscious state The victim will display slow respiration rates that will fall below 8 breaths per minute or there might be big and long lapses between each breath The skin will turn blue, pale, clammy or cold (hypothermia).
Breath will be characterized by stench of alcohol.
He will also fall prey to seizures, vomiting, coma, stupor, mental confusion or drowsiness.
Immediate Measures for Rescuing a Victim of Alcohol Poisoning You should be familiar with the danger signals/warning symptoms.
Please do not commit the mistake of waiting for all the symptoms to appear.
An unconscious victim of alcohol poisoning runs the risk of death.
Instead of trying self-medication or diagnosis, just give a call to 911 if you suspect alcohol overdose.
Seek immediate medical assistance.
Gently turn the inebriated victim on his side and place a pillow in the small of the intoxicated victims back to guard against aspiration (choking on his own puke).
Effects of Untreated Alcohol Poisoning Irregular breathing may lead to a complete stopping of breathing.
Choking on his /her own puke is often reported.
Heart beat will become fainter and fainter and ultimately stop.
Seizures are caused by hypoglycemia that is excessively low blood sugar levels.
If left untreated for long hours, throwing up will lead to severe dehydration which will result in seizures and may cause permanent irreversible brain damage.
It may even lead to death.
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