Why do nice guys finish last? Because other people walk all over them.
Why do women say they want a nice guy but when they meet one they change their mind? Because they usually come across as sensible, staid and slightly sedated.
Why does being nice translate into being boring? Because people are extremely one dimensional when it comes to personality display.
Once a man has sent out the message that he is a nice guy, he has basically doomed himself into a life of dissatisfaction - emotionally, sexually, financially...
Does that mean he has to be mean to get what he wants? No.
He has to be strong.
A gentleman is a nice guy, but a gentleman knows when to be firm and when to be gentle.
If you have to be cruel, dishonorable or unfair in order to get what you want, then you are not a gentleman - you're a nightmare.
Life is about balance, about living in the present, about understanding how to behave appropriately at any given moment - knowing that sometimes you should be powerful and at other times you should be silent; sometimes tactile, at other times a little distant.
It is possible to be a nice guy and to still be sexually attractive to women - it simply requires that the nice does not overtake the fun, the cool and the strong.
Every guy has to work on his appearance and he has to make sure that he does not revert to a conversational style that is too predictable and dull - looking a little different is a good thing, being a little irreverent can work in the nice guy's favor.
If the nice guy is too nice, then he is perceived as weak; but if he is suddenly able to switch on the man in him, he will be seen as confident and desirable...
just be sure that the transition is smooth, and not too unpredictable.
It requires a delicate understanding of the female to know when and how to switch off the nice and turn on the strong, but with a little thought, the nice guy can be turned into the perfect mate for a woman who wants something good in her life.
All in all, a woman, a real woman wants to be with a gentleman above all else; she is looking for a man who will care for her, respect her, communicate his desire for her, encourage her, and allow her to be an individual who has a support system that she can rely on.
Remember that a nice guy does not have to be weak to be nice; he simply needs to be true to himself and to her, and in the end a compatible mate will be found.
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