Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How to Transfer Golden Sun Data

    • 1). Save your Clear data. You will be presented with this option after completing the game in Golden Sun. Once your data is saved, power the Game Boy off and on.

    • 2). Press "Start" at the title screen. You will be presented with the main menu with options to start a new game or continue a saved game.

    • 3). Hold "Left" and the "R" button. While continuing to hold these buttons down, press the "B" button once. Continue to hold "Left" and the "R" button until a small icon of an envelope appears on your screen. Select this Icon and press "Start."

    • 4). You will be presented with three choices for data transfer. Each will generate a password of varying length that corresponds to the amount of data sent. Bronze presents the shortest password. At 16 characters long, it will transfer only your character levels and collected Djinn. Silver weighs in at 61 characters long and sends your character levels, collected Djinn and character stats. Gold, at a whopping 260 characters, sends your character levels, stats, collected Djinn, found items and accumulated coins.

    • 5). Write down your chosen password, then power off the Game Boy. Insert Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age and power the Game Boy back on. Choose "New Game" at the main menu and you will be offered the chance to import data from Golden Sun. At the password input screen, type in the code that you wrote down. The game will begin with your character's stats set to whichever level you chose.

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