One of the disorder for which this kind of quack you will get are stammering.They will tell abut themselves I went for speech therapy but it did not work and than I develeped my own technique to treat stammering.As they have already consulted speech therapist so they learnt the few techniques from speech therapist and with some modification or some time similarly use for other people with stammering.As such quack are not success in their profession so they switch to quack practice for money making.First experience I got when I was studying at AIIMS Delhi after that so many clients came to me when I started practicing at Bangalore. Many people came and told that how they were cheated by such quack for their stammering cure who took 100% guarantee for stammering cure also but truth was different .They will claim their center is only capable 100% treatment of stammering only in India.
Although In India the most prestigious institute ( treatment,research,academic) related to communication disorders is All India Institute of Speech and Hearing Mysore.
You can also check :
At National Institute of deafness and othe communication disorder a US government supported organisation involved in research related to communication disorders:
American Speech and Hearing association a organisation of professional involved in communication disordrs treatment:
How do I know who is a professional speech therapist?
They should have the following qualification:
- B.Sc. (Hons )Speech and Hearing/B.Sc. Speech and Hearing/Bachelor in Audiology and speech language Pathology(BASLP)
- M.Sc. Speech language pathology/M.Sc. speech and hearing/ MASLP
- Certified by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) to practice in India