Our imaginations can take us to the most far-flung places that our own minds can conjure up in terms of our desires.
Returning home exhausted from the graveyard shift at the factory on a snowy morning, one very nearly collapses onto the sofa, heaves a sigh, closes ones eyes, and for a moment one has transported oneself to another reality altogether.
There are no more factories.
It is warm and sunny.
One is no longer in their under-employed mill town but rather on the sunny Mediterranean.
Our sparsely furnished apartment has been transformed into a sleek yacht gently rocking as we happily survey our opulent domain.
Yet, moments later, something startles us back to reality and when we open our eyes we are right back where we were.
Tired, concerned about our day to day existence and simply restless in general.
The above example is what is termed a "flight of fancy" and it does serve a purpose.
It is a method of temporarily changing/altering a reality that is hard to cope with.
It helps and soothes but it is fleeting and in a moment's time the change we envisioned has evaporated and we are right back where we started Yet it must be said that envisioned, or fantasized change is utilized by us so frequently due to the simplicity of its nature.
It simply entails switching on a fantasy in our head, losing our cares momentarily, and living an altogether different existence.
The existence of our pure desires.
The crushing reality of envisioned change however is that it is pure fantasy and it changes nothing at all.
Naturally, we want the envisioned change to be sustained; we don't want it to evaporate when we open our eyes.
How can we achieve sustained change we wonder? We've seen it we think! Photos of people on the Internet and videos of lucky individuals on infomercials and they are ACTUALLY sitting on those yachts in the Mediterranean.
What are they saying? They are saying "I started my own home business, I am 31 years old, I have 4 homes in 3 countries, I'm retired, and you can do it too! In six months no less!" You very nearly FLY to your keyboard and search for this dream come true.
At last, you think, your envisioned reality will be sustained, and it will manifest itself through a home business.
You find one.
You sign up! In your mind you pack your bags for the French Riviera or Acapulco.
You close your eyes.
You are ready! Yet wait, something is terribly wrong.
When you open your eyes you are once again right where you were.
There is no check in the mail.
There are no orders coming in.
There is no mansion or fast car.
Has your home business been a deception? Well to a degree, yes it has.
You "looked" at other successful home business entrepreneurs and your mind turned on that familiar fantasy.
You envisioned a home business and equated it with instant wealth because all you had to do was close your eyes and "wish it so".
Therein lies the fatal flaw of envisioned change.
It is fantasy, pure and simple.
Enacted change on the other hand is an altogether different story, yet it involves something we tend to loathe..
Indeed, some of those "home business people" sitting on yachts are scam artists hoping to pick your pocket, yet others ARE legitimate.
They actually are living out their dreams.
How? NOT by wishing it so, but by ACTING.
The fleeting existence of fantasy was not enough for them.
They wanted to sustain and live their fantasy.
They began to enact change with their eyes wide open.
They learned exactly what it would take to build a home business through reading, interacting, investing prudently, and strategizing and then the MOVED on it.
As they began to see that their actions produced results, they ceased to loathe effort and began to embrace it! They became energized and enthusiastic and found each day they became more productive and in turn garnered more results.
A formerly closed door began to swing open and through diligence and effort, the fantasy that was formerly a mere fleeting daydream began to become their daily reality.
Through enacted change using home business as a vehicle and by getting up off of the sofa and opening their eyes and doing something they sustained the fantasy and turned it into their real world.
ACT; in order to create change in your life and so can you!
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