Health & Medical Yoga

An Account of Astral Projection - Astral Development

This will be an account of how To Astral Project and the steps most taken by professionals.
By using these six steps and developing your own techniques around this system as major staples you can increase your abilities and positive outcomes.
Build on your visualization and imagination skills.
a) One great way to optimize this process is to always focus on the same vision over and over.
Tie this in directly with your astral plane double.
b) In other words build an Astral double of yourself and concentrate on this image.
Seeing it in your minds eye as clear as you can.
Create your astral body or double as some like to call it.
a) This is something that must be done in the beginning and that the process is never ending.
b) It is you and ultimately your means of travel in the astral plane.
The more detailed the better the results.
) Transfer your consciousness over to your astral double body.
a) This is where most people run into trouble.
One great way to ensure more success is the details mentioned above.
When you create your body double create or recreate your senses, this will help create the reality grow much stronger.
b) Your sense of smell, your sight, and hearing as well.
) Observe your surrounding and your new body.
a) Especially in the beginning once you have achieved this goal the desire to want to go on will be strong, Don't! To put it simply there are some dangers involved that are too many to name.
You must first become familiar with how everything works in order to be armed with knowledge of what your doing.
b) This is another place where many people lose it.
You will be much better off learning the how to deal with and avoid unnecessary mistakes, before you find out these dangers first hand.
) Come right back and ground your self thoroughly.
a) It is essential that you return to yourself fully awake and cognizant of your surroundings.
Then go through a process of grounding your experiment by closing everything down in this state.
It is very important to separate these states of consciousness completely through act and will.
It keeps them separated and organized.
b) This is a MUST! There are no two ways about it.
Grounding the whole ordeal by action of conscious thought and will that you are now no longer projected and in this plane entirely.
) Write everything down in as much detail as you can.
a) This is most important to achieve the desired result in the end.
If you don't keep an accurate enough record then the success will be minimal.
You cannot fully appreciate the usefulness of good records until you have yourself kept a literary account of your own.
b) This is also a must and I believe a big reason why most people have limited success.
By keeping an accurate record it brings more life to it.
Much like anything else the more you put into your Astral Projection experiments the more you will get from it and the more result and the deeper the degree of quality in your results.
An account of Astral Projection

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