- Show some muscle. Women, even those fiercely independent ones, need men who are stronger than they are at certain low points in their life. Nowhere is she more in need than when she's drowned in the task of moving to a new place. Help her with the really heavy stuff that requires brute strength. Or, offer to help fix her flat tire. Being masculine in the real sense of the word conveys macho appeal.
- Shower her with affection. Finding a soulmate requires displays of affection, whether done overtly or covertly. Some guys do it with flowers, some do it with flour. Send her flowers when she does well at work (and make sure she gets them in front of everybody, unless she categorically said otherwise), or bake her some sweets as consolation for that postponed promotion. Send her sweet messages day and night, upon waking up and before going to bed. It tells her in more ways than one that she is cared for. Men who put women in their minds are the ones likely to get the question "how can I find true love" answered.
- Wear your heart on your sleeve. How to find the girl for you requires more than brute force, for sure. As much as you love the macho gig, it would score you points to show your soft spots. A man who does not feel diminished by a display of emotion conveys a message that he is into the relationship as much as she is into it. After all, how can you be so hard of heart when you are trying to answer "how can I find true love?" Finding a soulmate requires that you open your heart to the other half. You know she feels bad for the world's hungry children, so sympathize. Do you feel like shedding a tear or two with that melodrama on screen? Cry. Women want men who understand pain, in all its ugly glory. After all, only humans feel pain. Women want humans, not androids.
Try to implement these 3 ways to make her fall in love with you and see magic happen.
You can get more information on finding true love by visiting http://www.manifestingmydestiny.com Be sure to take advantage of the 6 Day Free E-mail Mini-Course and submit your name to be notified of the release of the mini e-book "Help! How Can I Find True Love?"