Life can be thought of as a fabric, made up of various threads of behavior that we adopt.
Many of these threads are habits that we establish.
To change your life requires pulling out the old threads of outdated habits and weaving in new, more beneficial habits.
This is true of any habit.
In the case of releasing excess weight, it involves looking at what habits need to be modified to support your increased state of health.
Just like weaving a piece of fabric takes time, unraveling the threads of old habits takes time as well.
Most likely, if you have gained weight it did not happen overnight.
(An exception would be having a medical condition that causes you to gain a great deal of weight in a short amount of time.
If so, being under the close supervision of your doctor is highly recommended.
) What is causing your weight gain? The first step is to identify what you have done to gain excess weight.
In most circumstances, your weight gain happened over many months, if not years.
There are several possible habits that may contribute to your excessive weight.
Some of these habits might include not exercising regularly, eating foods that promote weight gain, or habitually and often excessively eating.
Times of habitual, excessive eating may occur when you get home from work and are standing in the kitchen deciding what to have for dinner, when you watch television, or once you get into bed at night.
Even the thoughts you think such as "I am fat" or "I can't lose weight" are habitual thoughts that are unsupportive of your weight loss effort.
Not only do they feel bad and are unkind to think about yourself, but they also program you, subconsciously, to gain weight.
Choose new behaviors to help you lose weight The second step is to replace the old habit with a new, healthier behavior.
It takes about 28 days to change a habit.
To learn a new behavior requires doing it over and over and over, until it becomes a new skill.
The key is to be consistent.
So, if you find that you have an eating habit that does not serve you, look at what you are eating, how much you are eating and when you are eating.
Say you find yourself eating cookies when you get home from work.
What alternate behavior can you do? What will feed you emotionally and nourish you after work that does not involve taking in an excessive amount of calories? The third step is to be aware of the thoughts you are thinking and make sure that they serve you and your weight loss effort.
Praise yourself when you make a healthy choice for yourself.
Acknowledge the progress you do make.
Find ways to accept yourself even if you are not yet at your ideal weight.
By setting yourself up for success with new healthy behaviors and the right mental and emotional attitude, you will soon find yourself well on the way toward achieving your ideal weight.
For support in attaining the ideal beliefs and emotional attitude to reach your ideal weight, in the comfort of your own home, click here.
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