- 1). Install a pond pump. The pump should move at least half of your pond's volume each hour. If you can install one that will move the entire pond's volume each hour, that is even better. Use a pond water volume calculator to calculate the volume of your pond.
- 2). Add aquatic plant life. Floating plant lilies will shade out the pond, taking away beneficial sunlight from seaweed, limiting its growth. Also, the plant life will take away nutrients that would otherwise feed the seaweed.
- 3). Rake the seaweed out of your pond. Purchase a seaweed rake from your local pond supplier.
- 4). Add a waterfall or pond fountain. Moving water makes it harder for seaweed to establish itself.
- 5). Fix any runoff problems on your property. Water runoff from rain and any other runoff water will transport organic material and fertilizers into your pond. This runoff water will promote seaweed growth.
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