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184 Million Filipinos by 2040

184 million Filipinos by 2040 and 10th spot as one of the most populated countries in the world.
That's what the Population Commission revealed on their report yesterday.
The National Statistics Office said that 3 Filipinos are born every minute.
Filipino women gives birth to an average of three children during their child bearing years.
And almost half of our population is above 15 years of age.
What does it all add up to? A lot of sex.
Kidding aside though, overpopulation is a serious problem.
Population growth entails social, economic, and environmental issues.
As the population grows, so to is the demand for resources.
Resources that are already limited.
To get a hold of resources, families must be financially stable.
But if the economy isn't, then financial security cant be attained, thus hindering families to get a hold of resources.
You get the picture right? Population growth can't be stopped, but can be controlled.
And the most effective method for me is through artificial means.
Prevention, not moderation or "god forbid", abstinence.
The problem though is that religion plays a big role in our lives here in the archipelago.
The Roman Catholic Church is very vocal in its denouncement of this method of family planning.
And as the biggest Roman Catholic nation here in Asia, a big chunk of the population would rather have a child that they cannot provide for, than burn in hell.
The Philippines is a nation where the separation of church and state only exist in writing.
Until the lines are drawn between these two institutions, solving our population problem would be as confusing as the words written on this picture.

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