There are many home remedies for yeast infections.
Some will work and others will not.
Many of them will rely on diet or herbal cures.
However, some will use actual home made recipes for curing this irritating disease.
A fungus Candida albicans that grows in the vagina produces it.
The fungus produces a thick white discharge and some vaginal irritation.
Here are 3 ways to use a home remedy for a yeast infection: 1.
Change your diet: changing to a healthy diet can also help you with yeast infections.
It is the best home or natural remedy, as it will not only help you with your yeast infection but your overall health.
Try to cut down refined sugars alcohol, peanuts and fresh fruits.
Eat more vegetables and fiber foods like whole grains and eat foods high in protein.
Boric acid: insert 2 capsules of boric acid into the vagina and let it stay there overnight.
At first this may burn a little but as the infection subsides the irritation will too.
One tablespoon of Potassium sorbate with one cup of water can be used.
Insert a tampon first and then the mixture into the vagina.
The tampon will absorb the liquid and allow it to be in constant contact with the walls of the vagina.
Apple cider vinegar: Add 2 cups of water to 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, and a clove of garlic.
Let your mixture sit for several hours.
Then use it as a douche.
Vinegar and garlic together make a strong medicine to kill the bacteria.
You should also abstain from sex while you are treating your yeast infection.
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